Every city has expressions, onomatopoeia and words which are typical.
Every city has expressions, onomatopoeia and words which are typical. This sense of belonging to a place transcends language, and is also expressed through food, drink, traditions, celebrations and fiestas. And, of course, it is not necessary to have been born in a place to feel part of it. So, if you are a native of Granada or you have spent a lot of time here…you will understand everything we are going to tell you in this post.
You know you are from Granada if…
1- You say Graná instead of Granada. Why are you pronouncing all the syllables? That particular east Andalusian accent possessed by the Granaínos (not Granadinos) ensures that the true way of pronouncing its name, from Zaidín to Albayzín, through La Chana and the Realejo, is Graná.
2- From time to time you let out a FOH. “Foh, compae” … This expression transmits a negative feeling; an expression of apathy. When we hear it from a Granaíno, it may mean that they have just received bad news, or are doing something they are not enjoying.
Illustration from the book “Graná contá en Ná”
3- You ask for a Milno. Other inhabitants of the world may ask for an Alhambra 1925, but granaínos save on the letters, and ask only for a Milno. The Portuguese, André França, told us this story in his book Graná contá en Ná, a publishing jewel which covers all the icons representing the city of Granada.
4- You use expressions such as “la vin compae”, “cuchi, ¡qué bonico!” or “espérate una mihilla o una mititilla”. In Granada it is common to hear the ending ico: bonico, pequeñico, trocico, ratico, tapica, cervecica…Although there are also the salailla and the mititilla. And you can be apollardao, ehnoclao, ennortao and even enjaretao.
5- Go for tapas: You are from Granada if you have a beer with its rice tapa in Casa Torcuato in the Albayzín, for example. There is no one better than a Granaíno to know the best places to tapear: La Chana, the Zaidín, the Plaza Bib-Rambla, the Paseo de los Tristes, Pedro Antonio, Camino de Ronda… Aunque it has to be said all of them, ¡ay, amigo! There is no corner of Granada where the tapas are bad!

This photo of Bar 20 d’Tapas is courtesy of TripAdvisor
6- You visit the barrio de los greñúos: Only a Granaíno knows that when we say barrio de los greñúos we mean the Realejo. There are many theories associated with this typical nickname. One of them is related to the term greñúo or greñudo with the curly locks that they used to have in the era when it was a Jewish neighbourhood.
7- When you are away and you have to pay for tapas in another city and you say “in Granada they are free” and, in addition, you add that in Granada, with two tapas, you have had lunch. Abundant and high quality, the fame of the tapa in Granada is completely true!

This photo of The Alhambra is courtesy of TripAdvisor
8- You have looked for your house from the Torre de la Vela. There are many things that are typical of a professional Granaíno, and one of them is to climb the spectacular Torre de la Vela in the Alhambra and, looking out over its panoramic views of the city of Granada, try to find the place where they live. Although you will also take photos from many of its beautiful miradores, the most popular of these is the Mirador de San Nicolás.
9- You understand concept of the malafollá. The inhabitants of Granada are famous for their malafollá. A particular way of approaching life. A particular sense of humour. A particular way of dealing with others. Some will say that they are bitter or surly, but whoever knows them well understands that the malafollá can be a very endearing characteristic. Of course, just as not all people from Cadiz are funny, not all Granaínos display malafollá.

This photo of Cafe Futbol is courtesy of TripAdvisor
10- You finish up eating churros and chocolate on the Café Fútbol after a night on the town. Without fail, it is a classic! If you end up partying all night and order churros and chocolate at this mythical location in Plaza de Mariana Pineda, you are from Granada, even if you were not born here! Also if you know that the best piononos are sold in the La Ysla bakery and that the last Sunday in September is the “Day of the Virgin” and it is typical to have la torta de la virgen at breakfast or as a snack. Although if you are looking for an all-year-round snack, a Maritoñi and a Puleva are a winning combination.